The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
As a student your role in the college and career planning is to:
- Dream BIG!
- Set your college and career goals.
- Know what you need to do to prepare for college and careers.
- Seek support to reach your goals.
Students in middle school can do the following to start preparing themselves for college and a career.
✔ Tell your teacher and counselors about your plans to go to college
✔ Take PSAT exam in 9th, 10th and especially 11th grade to qualify for merit scholarships
✔ Visit your school’s college counselors frequently
✔ Seek academic support and tutoring to help you maintain a 3.0 GPA or better
✔ Get involved in extracurricular activities at school or in the community
✔ Build a network of friends who also want to go to college
✔ Pass your A-G classes with a C or better. Repeat A-G class if you reiceved lower than a C
✔ If eligible, take community college classes